Monday, 30 March 2020 13:53

Post #4 - Rediscover Awe - Now is the time! Featured

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Visiting Oriole Visiting Oriole

Now is the I was reflecting on what to write about today I decided to spend a little more time on the idea of rediscovering awe - Dr. J Bryan Sexton says: "...there is profound beauty and grace in the world. When we reconnect with the emotion of awe, it helps us feel inspired and time slows down."

Today is the beginning of week 3 (for us) of social isolation. Each week has become a little more isolated and I am so thankful for Bob, Tux, and (I thought I would never say this) social media. We're wading through all the data that is pushed to us daily, hearing the incredible stories of bravery and service, along with some of sensationalism that underpin building up the spirit and hope the country and the world needs. I decided to use today's post to focus on one of Dr. Sexton's recommendations for building resilience by rediscovering awe.

Some of you may be thinking I've lost my mind thinking that there is much to see that's awesome (awe inspiring)within our small spheres of isolation. Actually because we're moving at a much slower pace, it's easier to capture the awesomeness all around us. I challenge you today to rediscover what's awesome within your sphere of isolation - it's there, you just have to open your eyes, ears, and heart to discover it.

There's a gem of wisdom from Charles Schultz - not certain of the date of this Peanuts clip but my sister sent it to me this week - "Worrying won't stop the bad stuff from happening, it just stops you from enjoying the good." Today I urge you to continue to see the good - take a deep breath - look around and take it all in.

- Check out this post on YouTube -You Raise Me Up - BYU Vocal Point (Josh Groban Acappella Cover) posted by a friend on FB today. This is definitely one of my all time favorite songs as it never fails to raise me up. There is nothing like an acapella choir - such talent in creating vocal accompianament for amazing singing voices. What's further awesome about this video is the location of the filiming - what a site to behold.

- Though we don't all live or have access to such natural beauty as the mountains in this video there is awesomeness around you too. Saturday we discovered in our very small patio that we now have a pair of orioles who are regularly visiting our hummingbird feeders. Though this is our second Arizona Spring it is our first opportunity to view these incredibly beautiful birds up close. Pretty Awesome!

- On our walk this morning I recognized the very familiar song of a cardinal - I stopped and looked up and sure enough, there he was in full red regalia. Such an awesome sight to behold in the brownish green of the desert wash. It's as if Emily Dickinson saw a cardinal when she wrote her poem "Hope":

"Hope is the thing with feathers -

That perches in the soul -

And Sings the tune without the words -

And never stops at all..."

So friends - stay hopeful - rediscover awe in the simplicity of isolation - and most of all stay well!



Read 2257 times Last modified on Monday, 30 March 2020 15:14